Little information is available regarding the church organs prior to the new church constructed in 1915. With the construction of the present building, a three manual Gottfried organ was installed. This instrument, like many organs of the period, leaned toward orchestral or theatrical. Dr. Barry Henry, who along with John Kirkpatrick, restored the original Gottfried organ prior to it's ill-advised sale, stated that the sound of the organ was so orchestral that its strings rivaled the finest theatre organ.
The original three-manual Gottfried console installed in the present church. This instrument was removed after the departure of Msgr. Pendergast and replaced by the present Moller. Seated at the console is Miss Amelie Dufilho who was church organist for many years.
Hilda Louise Caboche, organist at St. Rose De Lima Parish from 1940 through the 60's. Miss. Caboche also taught at St. Rose of Lima Parish School. She died in 1997 at the age of 85. Other organists recalled are Miss Nisida Louque, Miss M. Laudumiey who played in the 1870's, and a brilliant but blind organist named Earnest Demoruelle who played in the period at the end of the Nineteenth-Century..

This is one of the only remaining photographs of the choir loft with the original Anton Gottfried organ still in place.
(Photo courtesy of Louisiana State Digital Library "LOUIS" project.)

Pipework photos courtesy of Sharon Snowden
Photographs of the beautiful Anton Gottfried pipe work contained in the original St. Rose d' Lima church organ
I am attempting to obtain a copy of the Gottfried specs and will post if I am successful.


Specifications for present organ (Thanks to Paul Wattigny, Organist-St. Rose of Lima, for this information)

M.P.Moller Pipe Organ, Opus 11436-1981
St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church
New Orleans, LA

Great Division

16' Bourdon
8' Principal
8' Gedeckt
4' Octave
4' Rohr Gedeckt
2' Waldflote
II' Sesquialtera
IV' Fourniture
Great Unison Off
Great/Great 4'

Swell Division

8' Rohrflote
8' Viola
8' Viola Celeste
4' Spitzflote
2' Principal
III/IV Plein-jeu
16' Bassoon
8' Trompette
8' Hautbois
4' Hautbois Clarion
Swell Unison Off
Swell/Swell 16'
Swell/Swell 4'

Pedal Division
32' Quinted Bass 1-2-3-4 Swell Pistons
16' Contre Bass 1-2-3-4 Great Pistons
16' Bourdon 1-2-3-4 Pedal Toe Studs
8' Principal 1-2-3-4-5-6 Gen. Pistons
8' Bourdon 1-2-3-4-5-6 Gen. T. Studs
4' Choral Bass Great/Pedal Coupler
III Mixture Swell/Pedal Coupler
16' Posaune Swell/Pedal 4' Coupler
16' Basson Swell/Great 16' Coupler
8' Trompete Swell/Great 8' Coupler
4' Hautbois Clarion Swell/Great 4' Coupler
Swell/Pedal Reversible
Great/Pedal Reversible
32' Trompette Cornet


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